Quotes That Changed My Life Sense

woman reading
  We are all humans who have desperate moments in our life. Occasionally, we might be loser, unmotivated, depressed, etc.. Here we have the power of readings as a redeemer. This is what happened in my life.
  Sometimes, we can meet some quotes, some drama lines, or a whole book that makes us step back and bring along strong awareness and deep-seated thoughts. These kinds of situations can change life for some people. If you are a bookworm and your mind is open to everything you read, you can easily understand what I mean. Therefore, I want to share some 3 quotes from Epictetus I read
“There is only one way to happiness and that is to cease worrying about things which are beyond the power or, our will. ”
― Epictetus, 
 These words remind me that there is a thing you cannot understand and you may not solve this situation but it is alright though. It encourages me that up and downs are okay and you should only focus on what you can do and release yourself.

“How long are you going to wait before you demand the best for yourself and in no instance bypass the discriminations of reason? You have been given the principles that you ought to endorse, and you have endorsed them. What kind of teacher, then, are you still waiting for in order to refer your self-improvement to him? You are no longer a boy, but a full-grown man. If you are careless and lazy now and keep putting things off and always deferring the day after which you will attend to yourself, you will not notice that you are making no progress, but you will live and die as someone quite ordinary.
From now on, then, resolve to live as a grown-up who is making progress, and make whatever you think best a law that you never set aside. And whenever you encounter anything difficult or pleasurable, or highly or lowly regarded, remember that the contest is now: you are at the Olympic Games, you cannot wait any longer, and that your progress is wrecked or preserved by a single day and a single event. That is how Socrates fulfilled himself by attending to nothing except reason in everything he encountered. And you, although you are not yet a Socrates, should live as someone who at least wants to be a Socrates.”
― Epictetus (From Manual 51)
  I am someone who has just grown mentally and I know that learning never comes to an end. It is a whole process and this quote makes me aware of being mature to take my responsibility. Because it is me who can change my life nothing else, it is hidden inside me and I have to change my life If I want to be happy.

“People are not disturbed by things, but by the views, they take of them.”
― Epictetus, Enchiridion
 It summarizes what I write but altering perspective towards events changed my mindfulness because I realized that the things make me depressed or sad or terrified is my emotion put onto them. When I come to my edge, this quote comes to my mind and provides evaluating with my common sense.

  As a consequence, these quotes might not impress you or change your life. We should know that some words sound meaningful in your specific times. Excuses, laziness, depression can be solved but the main character is ourselves in here whether or not you be willing to change yourself. If you are happy it is okay but ıf there is something you make you disturb, It will not be convincing until it is disappeared.

  Take care with much love...




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